J.J. Kieffer on-line!
Katja Seltmann passed along this link to a scanned reproduction of J.J. Kieffer's 1916 compendium on diapriids. Try the flip-book to view it, very cool

Naumann (1988) available now
A verbatim copy (currently without figures) of Naumann's (1988) key to ambositrine genera of New Zealand is now up.

Dynamic news and new keys
The site now has blog-like news thanks to some new features in mx, that database that serves the data here. This will make it easier to add notes and news about the site and things diapriid. Nixon's (1957) keys to the Belytinae have also been posted. Note that a fair amount of synonymy has occurred since they have been published, however they still identify useful characters and some of the big dichotomies. The key to females includes some of Nixon's plates, which are useful as references.


This web site is about parasitic wasps of the family Diapriidae (Hymenoptera). These wasps are found nearly everywhere in the world, but are rarely observed by the public due to their small size (~2mm on average).

There are over 4000 species of diapriids estimated to occur in the world, but less than half of these have been formally described. This estimation is based on material in the worlds major collections, most notably the Canadian National Collection in Ottawa, Canada. Some of the available descriptions represent synonymies or are vague and poorly illustrated and therefore essentially unusable. The long-term goals of this project is to track and disseminate data generated from the ongoing study of these fascinating wasps.

These pages present information for both the expert and amateur. Taxon pages contain taxonomic descriptions, these pages are those that have been published, or are in press, and made available in an electronic format as well. Associations seeks to present comprehensive information on diapriid host-parasite and biological relationships. Images presently contains a gallery of images variously used across this project and others.
