Couplet 19.
[1] Notaulus present, deeply incised, complete or abbrev...
[2] Ocellar triangle situated in or slightly behind ocul...
[3] Forewing with pigmented submarginal vein terminating...
[6] Frons unarmed; mandibles not projecting, clasped
[8] Anterior margin of syntergite notched or slit medial...
[11] Antenna 13-segmented
[14] Marginal vein in forewing at most 3 times longer tha...
[15] Stigmal vein in forewing short, shorter than margina...
[16] Female apical sternite smaller, shorter than thr...
[17] Hind wing without closed basal cell (figs....
[1] Notaulus present, deeply incised, complete or abbrev...
[2] Ocellar triangle situated in or slightly behind ocul...
[3] Forewing with pigmented submarginal vein terminating...
[6] Frons unarmed; mandibles not projecting, clasped
[8] Anterior margin of syntergite notched or slit medial...
[11] Antenna 13-segmented
[14] Marginal vein in forewing at most 3 times longer tha...
[15] Stigmal vein in forewing short, shorter than margina...
[16] Female apical sternite smaller, shorter than thr...
[17] Hind wing without closed basal cell (figs....
Median keel of propodeum strongly developed, pointed, point often directed backward (fig. 60); postmarginal vein in forewing moderately to distinctly developed (fig. 60); basal vein in forewing nonarcuate, slanted at acute angle toward submarginal vein (fig. 60); body often light colored; Nearctic and Neotropical; [f] (part)
Median keel of propodeum only moderately developed, rudimentary, or absent (fig. 85), very rarely pointed; postmarginal vein in forewing rudimentary; basal vein in forewing moderately to strongly arcuate (fig. 85); body usually blackish; Nearctic and Neotropical [mf] (part)