Couplet 14.
[1] Notaulus present, deeply incised, complete or abbrev...
[2] Ocellar triangle situated in or slightly behind ocul...
[3] Forewing with pigmented submarginal vein terminating...
[6] Frons unarmed; mandibles not projecting, clasped
[8] Anterior margin of syntergite notched or slit medial...
[11] Antenna 13-segmented
[1] Notaulus present, deeply incised, complete or abbrev...
[2] Ocellar triangle situated in or slightly behind ocul...
[3] Forewing with pigmented submarginal vein terminating...
[6] Frons unarmed; mandibles not projecting, clasped
[8] Anterior margin of syntergite notched or slit medial...
[11] Antenna 13-segmented
Marginal vein in forewing remarkably long, 3.3–5.5 times as long as stigmal vein (fig. 40); cheek with fan of striae reaching lower orbit of eye (fig. 40); petiole remarkably elongate, subequal in length to or longer than rest of metasoma; mesosoma and petiole often with rough rugulose sculpture; no short-winged forms known; Central and South America; [mf]
Marginal vein in forewing at most 3 times longer than stigmal vein, usually shorter; cheek typically nonstriate, very rarely with short fan in lower part, striae never reaching lower orbit (short-winged forms occur)
future couplets
Stigmal vein in forewing distinctly... ...
Entomacis Foerster
Female apical sternite large, conic... ...
Paramesius Westwood
Apical rim of A1 not excavate ventr... ...
Ferrugenus Masner and García, 2002
Apical rim of A1 deeply excavate ve... ...
Epomium Masner and García, 2002
Median keel of propodeum strongly d... ...
Idiotypa Foerster, 1856
Median keel of propodeum only moder... ...
Pentapria Kieffer