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mx id: 3863 | OBO id: HAO:0000337 | URI: http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/HAO_0000337
first subdiscal
Defined (both definition and relationships must be met)
The wing cell that is located on the wing.
written by: Deans, A. R. 2009. HAO curator..

Relationships / properties:
The first subdiscal is a wing cell.
The first subdiscal is part of the cuticle. The first subdiscal is part of the fore wing.

Label usage (sensu)
first subdiscal by Deans, A. R. 2009. HAO curator..
Comments and tags
review definition added about 14 years ago by Matt Yoder
Needs definition.
  Reference: None provided.
  Cross reference: None provided.

alternative definition added almost 15 years ago by Andy Deans
fore wing cell enclosed by 1cu-a, 2A, 1CUb, and 2CU, and (if present) 2cu-a
  Reference: Deans, A. R. and Huben, M. 2003. Annotated key to the ensign wasp (Hymenoptera: Evaniidae) genera of the world, with descripions of three new genera Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 105:859-875
  Cross reference: None provided.

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