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mx id: 1511 | OBO id: HAO:0000687 | URI: http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/HAO_0000687
premento-paraglossal muscle synonyms: glossal retractor, paraglossal flexor, posterior flexor of the ligula, prelabial flexor muscle, retractor ligulae inferior, retractor linguae biceps
Defined (both definition and relationships must be met)
The labial muscle that arises from the ventral part of the prementum, anterior to the origin of the premento-glossal muscle and ventral premento-salivarial muscle and inserts just distally of the distal margin of the prementum.
written by: Vilhelmsen, L., and I. Miko. 2010. Curators/Head..

Relationships / properties:
The premento-paraglossal muscle is a labial muscle.
The premento-paraglossal muscle is part of the head. The premento-paraglossal muscle is part of the multi-cellular organism.
When present, the premento-paraglossal muscle is attached to the cuticle. When present, the premento-paraglossal muscle is attached to the paraglossa. When present, the premento-paraglossal muscle is attached to the prementum.


Label usage (sensu)
premento-paraglossal muscle by Vilhelmsen, L. 2010. Curator..
paraglossal flexor by Vilhelmsen, L. 1996. The preoral cavity of lower Hymenoptera (Insecta): comparative morphology and phylogenetic significance. Zoologica Scripta 25:143-170.
paraglossal flexor by Vilhelmsen, L. 2010. Curator..
glossal retractor by Prentice, M. A. 1998. The comparative morphology and phylogeny of Apoid wasps (Hymenoptera: Apoidea) Thesis (Ph D in Entomology)--University of California, Berkeley..
retractor linguae biceps by Wolff, O. 1875. Das Riechorgan der Biene., 251 pp.
retractor ligulae inferior by Morison, G. 1927. The muscles of the Adult Honey-Bee (Apis Mellifera L). Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science 71:395-463.
posterior flexor of the ligula by Duncan, C. D. 1939. A contribution to the biology of North American vespine wasps. Stanford University Publications, Biological Sciences 8:1-233.
prelabial flexor muscle by Khalil, A. and M. K. A. Habib. 1969. The head and mouthparts of Vespa orientalis L. Bull Soc. Ent. Egypte. 52: 331-336.
glossal retractor by Snodgrass, R. E. 1942. The skeleto-muscular mechanisms of the honey bee. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections 103:1-120.
Comments and tags
katja added over 12 years ago by Katja Seltmann
  Reference: None provided.
  Cross reference: None provided.

alternative definition added almost 15 years ago by Istvan Miko
Arises on the ventral part of the prementum, anterior to the points of origin of the glossal flexors and ventral salivarial dilatators; they insert on the posterior glossal sclerites/plate.
  Reference: Vilhelmsen, L. 1996. The preoral cavity of lower Hymenoptera (Insecta): comparative morphology and phylogenetic significance. Zoologica Scripta 25:143-170.
  Cross reference: None provided.

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