Couplet 41.
[1] Notaulus entirely absent, rarely mesoscutum with sha...
[20] Antenna with different number of segments
[29] Wings stumplike, usually not reaching past petiole, ...
[30] Head normal, hypognathous
[31] Anterior margin of syntergite not modified, not flex...
[32] All tarsi moderately to strongly compressed, higher ...
[33] Antenna 12-segmented
[37] Median keel of propodeum at most weakly raised anter...
[39] Eye, tibial spurs, and palpi present; fore and middl...
[40] S2 without tuft of hairs; temple and postg...
[1] Notaulus entirely absent, rarely mesoscutum with sha...
[20] Antenna with different number of segments
[29] Wings stumplike, usually not reaching past petiole, ...
[30] Head normal, hypognathous
[31] Anterior margin of syntergite not modified, not flex...
[32] All tarsi moderately to strongly compressed, higher ...
[33] Antenna 12-segmented
[37] Median keel of propodeum at most weakly raised anter...
[39] Eye, tibial spurs, and palpi present; fore and middl...
[40] S2 without tuft of hairs; temple and postg...
mesoscutum strongly humped anteromedially (figs. 51, 52); posterior part of propodeum constricted-elongate, causing impression of 2-segmented petiole (figs. 51, 52); Nearctic and Central America (part)
mesoscutum not humped anteromedially (figs. 58, 64, 66); propodeum of different shape
future couplets
Metasoma past petiole short, subglo... ...
Labidopria Wasmann
Frons with moderate to distinct pro... ...
Mimopria Holmgren
Frons without projections (fig. 64)... ...
Mimopriella Masner and GarcĂa, 2002