Couplet 13.
[1] Notaulus present, deeply incised, complete or abbrev...
[2] Ocellar triangle situated in or slightly behind ocul...
[3] Forewing with pigmented submarginal vein terminating...
[6] Frons unarmed; mandibles not projecting, clasped
[8] Anterior margin of syntergite notched or slit medial...
[11] Antenna 12- or 14-segmented
[12] Antenna 14-segmented (mf)
[1] Notaulus present, deeply incised, complete or abbrev...
[2] Ocellar triangle situated in or slightly behind ocul...
[3] Forewing with pigmented submarginal vein terminating...
[6] Frons unarmed; mandibles not projecting, clasped
[8] Anterior margin of syntergite notched or slit medial...
[11] Antenna 12- or 14-segmented
[12] Antenna 14-segmented (mf)
basal vein in forewing perfectly perpendicular to submarginal vein (fig. 32); stigmal vein short, obtuse-angled to marginal vein; female antenna with nonabrupt clava, clavomeres subquadrate; labrum not exposed; Valdivian [mf]
basal vein in forewing moderately arcuate,acute-angled to submarginal vein (fig. 101); stigmal vein distinctly elongate, almost perpendicular to marginal vein; female antenna with light, nonabrupt clava, clavomeres beadlike (fig. 101); labrum exposed; Valdivian [mf]