Couplet 77.
[1] Notaulus entirely absent, rarely mesoscutum with sha...
[20] Antenna with different number of segments
[29] Wings fully developed, usually reaching or surpassin...
[50] Submarginal vein in forewing closely approximated to...
[53] A2 inserted at apex of A1
[54] Vertex not elevated, normally arched (figs. 58, 61, ...
[55] All tarsi more or less cylindrical, as high as wide;...
[66] Face or other parts of body glabrous or with only a ...
[67] Petiole of different shape, usually smaller, sculptu...
[68] Scutellar disc flattened or even convex and/or keele...
[69] Petiole in lateral view leveled with or below anteri...
[70] Propodeum posteromedially at most moderately concave...
[71] Occiput unarmed; A1 without longitudinal keels and w...
[72] Petiole and propodeum at most sparsely hairy, with s...
[73] Pronotal shoulders at most moderately developed, not...
[74] Body without scattered naillike setae, setae appress...
[75] Apex of foretibia unarmed dorsally
[1] Notaulus entirely absent, rarely mesoscutum with sha...
[20] Antenna with different number of segments
[29] Wings fully developed, usually reaching or surpassin...
[50] Submarginal vein in forewing closely approximated to...
[53] A2 inserted at apex of A1
[54] Vertex not elevated, normally arched (figs. 58, 61, ...
[55] All tarsi more or less cylindrical, as high as wide;...
[66] Face or other parts of body glabrous or with only a ...
[67] Petiole of different shape, usually smaller, sculptu...
[68] Scutellar disc flattened or even convex and/or keele...
[69] Petiole in lateral view leveled with or below anteri...
[70] Propodeum posteromedially at most moderately concave...
[71] Occiput unarmed; A1 without longitudinal keels and w...
[72] Petiole and propodeum at most sparsely hairy, with s...
[73] Pronotal shoulders at most moderately developed, not...
[74] Body without scattered naillike setae, setae appress...
[75] Apex of foretibia unarmed dorsally
Female antenna 11-segmented; male A3–A13 with scattered nonwhorled hairs, A3 and A4 clearly separated
future couplets
Forewing with distinct marginal cil... ...
Hansona Masner and García, 2002
Forewing without marginal cilia; fe... ...
Xanthopria Brues
Female antenna 12-segmented; male A3–A13 with one whorl of long bristles, A3 and A4 fused (figs. 1, 2)
future couplets
Hind tibia along inner side with de... ...
Eladio Masner and García, 2002
Hind tibia at most with fine row of... ...
Acanthopria Ashmead