Couplet 58.
[1] Notaulus entirely absent, rarely mesoscutum with sha...
[20] Antenna with different number of segments
[29] Wings fully developed, usually reaching or surpassin...
[50] Submarginal vein in forewing closely approximated to...
[53] A2 inserted at apex of A1
[54] Vertex not elevated, normally arched (figs. 58, 61, ...
[55] All tarsi moderately to strongly compressed, higher ...
[56] Frontal depression sharply margined, with midpoint a...
[57] Pronotum not produced anteromedially (shou...
[1] Notaulus entirely absent, rarely mesoscutum with sha...
[20] Antenna with different number of segments
[29] Wings fully developed, usually reaching or surpassin...
[50] Submarginal vein in forewing closely approximated to...
[53] A2 inserted at apex of A1
[54] Vertex not elevated, normally arched (figs. 58, 61, ...
[55] All tarsi moderately to strongly compressed, higher ...
[56] Frontal depression sharply margined, with midpoint a...
[57] Pronotum not produced anteromedially (shou...
mesoscutum strongly humped anteromedially (fig. 51); posterior part of propodeum constricted, elongate, causing impression of 2-segmented petiole (figs. 51, 52); Nearctic and Central America [mf] (part)
mesoscutum normally arched anteromedially (figs. 66, 72, 84); propodeum of different shape
future couplets
Inner apices of fore and mid tibiae... ...
Myrmecopria Ashmead
Propodeum remarkably short, steeply... ...
Philolestoides Ferrie`re
Propodeum distinctly elongate, subh... ...
Mimopria Holmgren